San Andreas Fire Rescue
Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
Seizures (CPG A0703)
Consider other causes e.g. hypoglycaemia, hypoxia, head injury, stroke / ICH, electrolyte disturbance, meningitis
Consider eclampsia in pregnant Pts with no prior seizure history
Consult for Midazolam if subtle SE suspected or for further Mx beyond CPG
Generalised convulsive status epilepticus
Mx airway and ventilation as req'd
If airway patent, administer high flow O2 as CPG A0001
Midazolam 10mg IM
Repeat Midazolam 10mg IM at 10 minute interval once only if seizure activity remains
Small (<60kg), frail or elderly patients should be administered Midazolam 5mg IM, repeated once at 5/60 interval if req'd
Advanced Paramedic
If IV in situ: Midazolam 5mg IV
Small (<60kg), frail or elderly patients should be administered Midazolam 2mg IV
If seizure activity continues >5/60
Midazolam 2-5mg IV repeated at 2-5 minutes if required
Small (<60kg), frail or elderly patients should be administered Midazolam 2mg IV, repeated at 2-5 minute intervals if required
Consider ETT as per CPG A0302 Endotracheal Intubation
(Max. 30mg IM + IV)
Flow Chart