San Andreas Fire Rescue
Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
Endotracheal Intubation (CPG A0302)
Care Objectives
Ensure safe and effective airway management throughout entire episode of care.
General Notes
Minimising scene times should be prioritised over the decision to perform prehospital RSI.
In rural areas, RSI may be undertaken or withheld by Advanced Paramedics following consideration of risk-benefit analysis.
Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI)
Ketamine is the preferred sedation induction agent for all RSI unless contraindicated by BP > 180
mmHg in the setting of NTBI. -
Fentanyl and Midazolam dosage should be based on assessment of cardiovascular and frailty status
at the time of RSI. -
Patients with traumatic brain injury should receive hemodynamic support via Normal Saline 10
mL/kg during preparation for RSI, however administration must not delay RSI. -
Calculated Ketamine and Rocuronium doses should be rounded up to the nearest 10 mg.
Avoid Fentanyl and Ketamine administration in the setting of serotonin syndrome/hyperthermia by
using Morphine and Midazolam to facilitate RSI. -
Pre-RSI combativeness in TBI should be managed judiciously with analgesia as per CPG A0501 Pain
Advanced Paramedic
Standard Induction & Paralysis
Ketamine 1.5 mg/kg IV or 4 mg/kg IM (max. 200 mg)
If GCS ≥ 10: Midazolam 5 mg IV
Rocuronium 1 mg/kg IV (max. 100 mg)
Modified Induction & Paralysis (ketamine contraindicated)
Fentanyl 100 - 200 mcg IV
Midazolam 5 - 10 mg IV
Rocuronium 1 mg/kg IV (max. 100 mg)
Delayed Sequence Intubation (combative/hypoxic respiratory failure preventing pre-oxygenation)
Ketamine 1.5 mg/kg IV or 4 mg/kg IM (max. 200 mg)
Preoxygenate for 3 minutes
Rocuronium 1 mg/kg IV (max. 100 mg)
Action - Placement
Sight the ETT through the vocal cords and position appropriately via American Standard markings
Note length at lips
Post-intubation capnography is essential for confirmation of tracheal placement and must be noted by all paramedics. If there is any doubt about tracheal placement the ETT must be immediately removed.
Supplementary checks:
Rise and fall of chest
Flow Chart - Indications & Preparation
Flow Chart - Procedure