San Andreas Fire Rescue
Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
Withholding or Ceasing Resuscitation (CPG A0203-1)
Do not attempt Mx if risk to safety
A patients Advanced Care Directive (ACD) must be followed even where the emergency is not directly related to a pre-existing illness.
Mass casualty
Refer to SAFR Emergency Response Plan
Compelling reason to withold resuscitation
ACD to not commence resus
OR -
Obvious death
Injuries incompatible with life (i.e. massive cranial destruction)
Rigor mortis
Post mortem lividity
Death declared by Dr
No prospect of resuscitation
Asystole (presenting rhythm)
Collapse to CPR delay > 10 mins
Discontinuation of resuscitation
Non-shockable initial rhythm
15-20 mins of ALS
No compelling reason to continue
Shockable initial rhythm
45 mins of ALS
Cannot be transported with mechanical CPR
No other compelling reason to continue
Verification of death
Confirm determinants of death and consider Verification of Death form
Compelling reasons depend on clinical judgement and may include:
Signs of life including pupil reaction, agonal or gasping respirations
Periods of ROSC
Youth and/or the absence of co-morbidities
Flow Chart