San Andreas Fire Rescue
Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
Spinal Injury (CPG A0804)
Major trauma criteria after blunt force trauma to head or trunk
Neurological deficit/changes
Action - Suspected SCI or major trauma
Apply cervical collar
Extricate and immobilise
Tx as per CPG A0105
If isolated SCI with BP < 90 mmHg:
N/Saline 10 mL/kg IV
Assessment - TPT
If any of the following are present:
Age ≥ 65 years
Hx of bone or muscle weakening disease/injury
Altered conscious state
Significant distracting injury
Midline pain/tenderness
Pt unable to rotate neck 45° left and right without pain
Mx as per suspected SCI or major trauma
Consider self-extrication if Pt is conscious, cooperative, not intoxicated and not prevented by other injuries
Action - Cervical spine cleared
No spinal immobilisation required
The intent of immobilisation is to support neutral alignment of the spinal column. Techniques employed should be modified if required by circumstances or for Pt comfort/cooperation
The Pts head must not be independently restrained to the stretcher
The Pt should not be transported on the CombiCarrier
Frail/elderly Pts, or those with pre-existing bone disease or spinal abnormalities may sustain unstable injuries with relatively low forces
Pts with penetrating trauma do not require routine immobilisation in the absence of neurological deficits
In immobilised awake Pts, consider prophylactic anti-emetics as per CPG A0701
Spinal Injury - Neurological Exam
Flow Chart