San Andreas Fire Rescue
Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
Chest Injuries (CPG A0802)
Respiratory status
Type of injury
Action - general
O2 as per CPG A0001
Analgesia as per CPG A0501​
Position upright if possible
Action - Flail segment/rib fractures
May require ventilatory support if decreased VT
​Pain associated with rib fractures may lead to hypoventilation. In these instances, prioritise carefultitration of analgesia.
Action - Open chest wound
Do not occlude an open pneumothorax
Occlusive dressing only required if haemorrhage is apparent
Action - Simple pneumothorax
If unequal breath sounds in spontaneously ventilating Pt, or SpO2 <92% on room air, or subcutaneous emphysema, monitor for development of TPT
Assessment - TPT
If signs of simple pneumothorax and any of the following:
​↑ respiratory distress in awake Pt ↓ SpO2 to <92% despite O2
↓ conscious state
↑ HR +/- + BP
↑ peak inspiratory pressure/stiff bag
↓ EtCO2
Tracheal shift
Action - Cardiac arrest imminent
GCS 10 and BP < 70 mmHg:
Immediate chest decompression
Action - Cardiac arrest not imminent
Monitor closely for deterioration
Chest injury patients receiving IPPV have a high risk of developing a TPT. Bilateral chest
decompression is appropriate prior to managing decreased perfusion.
Advanced Paramedic
Suspected TPT with GCS >10​
Prepare Lignocaine 50 mg in 5 mL (1%) in a 10 mL syringe and attach a 23g or 21g needle.
Infiltrate chest wall with up to 5 mL Lignocaine 1%
Insert an intercostal catheter, ARS device or long 14g cannula in the mid-clavicular line of the 2nd interspace.
If air escapes, or air and blood bubble through the cannula / intercostal catheter, or no air / blood
detected, leave in situ and secure. -
If no air escapes but copious blood flows through the cannula / intercostal catheter then a major
haemothorax is present. Remove, then cover the insertion site.
In awake, spontaneously ventilating Pt, TPT is likely if generic symptoms of pneumothorax are present and Pt has increasing respiratory distress and/or decreasing conscious state.
Low BP is a late sign In the ventilated Pt, TPT is likely to develop rapidly with a sudden decrease in SpO2 and BP.
Flow Chart - General
Flow Chart - Tension Pneumothorax